Weight Initialization

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What happens if we initialize all W = 0, b = 0?

  • Outputs are all going to be 0
  • Outputs will not depend on inputs
  • Gradients will all be 0


Initialize with small random numbers

Gaussian with zero mean, std=0.01

W = 0.01 * np.random.randn(Din, Dout)

Works ok for small networks, but problems with deeper networks

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Try larger number (0.01 → 0.05)

W = 0.05 * np.random.randn(Din, Dout)

Too large

Xavier Initialization

W = np.random.randn(Din, Dout) / np.sqrt(Din)
What about ReLU?

Xavier assumes zero centered activation function
Activations collapse to zero again

  • No learning
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Kaiming / MSRA Initialization (ReLU)

W = np.random.randn(Din, Dout) / np.sqrt(2 / Din)

ReLU correction: std = sqrt(2 / Din)
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Residual Networks

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If we initialize with MSRA, then Var(F(x)) = Var(x)
But then Var(F(x) + x) > Var(x)


Initialize first conv with MSRA, initialize second conv to zero
Then, Var(x + F(x)) = Var(x)