
2D + Time

A video is a sequence of images

4D tensor: T x 3 x H x W

Video Classification

Fixed size of categories like Image Classification
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In video classification, we want to recognize actions

Problem: Videos are big!

Videos are ~30 frames per second
Size of uncompressed video (3 bytes per pixel)":

Train on short clips

  • Low fps
  • Low spatial resolution
    • e.g. T=16, H=W=112
      • 3.2 seconds at 5 fps, 588KB

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Run model on different clips, average predictions
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Single-Frame CNN


Train normal 2D CNN to classify each video frames independently!

Late Fusion


Get high-level appearance of each frame and combine them

With FC Layers

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With Pooling

Less learnable parameters compared to FC
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Hard to compare low-level motion between frames

Early Fusion


Compare frames with very first conv layer

One layer of temporal processing may not be enough

3D CNN (Slow Fusion)


Use 3D versions of convolution and pooling to slowly fuse temporal information over the course of the network
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Early Fusion vs Late Fusion vs 3D CNN

Late Fusion

Early Fusion



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2D Conv vs 3D Conv

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C3D: The VGG of 3D CNNs

3D CNN that uses all 3x3x3 conv and 2x2x2 pooling

3x3x3 conv is very expensive!

  • AlexNet: 0.7GFLOP
  • VGG-16: 13.6 GFLOP
  • C3D: 39.5 GFLOP

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Maybe we should treat space and time separately?

Measuring Motion: Optical Flow

Optical flow gives a displacement field F between images It and It+1

Two-Stream Networks

Separating Motion and Appearance


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Modeling long-term temporal structure

So far, all our temporal CNNs only model local motion between frames in very short clips. What about long-term structure?

We can handle sequences with Recurrent Neural Networks!

Inside CNN: Each value is a function of a fixed temporal window
Inside RNN: Each vector is a function of all previous vectors
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Can we merge both approaches?

Recurrent Convolutional Network

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RNNs are slow for long sequences

RNNs cannot be parallelized


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Where should we add this block?

Inflating 2D Networks to 3D (I3D)


Take a 2D CNN architecture


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Transfer Weights

Can use weights to 2D conv to initialize 3D conv


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Vision Transformers for Video

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