Object Detection

Type of Computer Vision Tasks


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Object Detection & Instance Detection

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Object Detection

Input: Single RGB Image
Output: A set of detected objects;


Multiple outputs: Need to output variable numbers of objects per image
Multiple types of output: Need to predict category label and bounding box
Large images: Classification works at 224x224

Detecting a single object

Classification + Localization

Two branches

Detecting multiple images

Need different numbers of outputs per image

Sliding Window

Apply a CNN to many different crops of the image

Need to apply CNN to huge number of locations, scales, and aspect ratios

Very computationally expensive

R-CNN: Region-Based CNN


  1. Run region proposals
    • Get regions of interest
  2. For each region proposals
    1. Warp region to fix size
    2. Run independently through CNN
    3. Classify each region
    4. Bounding box regression
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Test time

Input: Single RGB image

  1. Run region proposal method to compute ~2000 region proposals
  2. Resize each region to 224x224 and run independently through CNN to predict class scores and boundary box transform
  3. Use scores to select a subset of region proposals to output
  4. Compare with ground-truth boxes

Comparing Boxes: Intersection over Union

How can we compare out prediction to the ground-truth box?

Area of IntersectionArea of Union

IoU > 0.5 is “decent”
IoU > 0.7 is “pretty good”
IoU > 0.9 is “almost perfect”
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Overlapping Boxes: Non-Max Suppression (NMS)

Problem: Object detectors often output many overlapping detections
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Solution: Post-process raw detections using NMS

  1. Select next highest-scoring box
  2. Eliminate lower-scoring boxes with IoU > threshold (e.g. 0.7)
  3. If any boxes remain, go to step 1
NMS may eliminate “good” boxes when objects are highly overlapping…

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Fast R-CNN

Problem with Slow R-CNN

Very Slow! Need to do ~2k forwards passes for each image!

Run CNN before warping

Swap the order
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Faster because it can share computation between image proposal regions

What does crop features mean?

Region of Interest Pooling

  1. Project proposal onto features
  2. “Snap” to grid cells
  3. Max pool within each subregion

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Misalignment when we snap to grid cells

RoI Align

No “snapping”
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Speed Improvement

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Inference is dominated by region proposals

We should use CNN!!!

Faster R-CNN

Insert Region Proposal Network to predict proposals from features
Otherwise same as Fast R-CNN

Region Proposal Network

  1. Run backbone CNN to get features aligned to input image
  2. Image an anchor box of fixed size at each point in the feature map
  3. At each point, predict whether the corresponding anchor contains an object
    1. For positive boxes, also predict a box transform to regress from anchor box to object box
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Use K different anchor boxes at each point

We want to use anchor boxes of different sizes and shapes

Jointly train with 4 losses
  1. RPN Classification: Anchor box is object / not object
  2. RPN Regression: predict transform from anchor box to proposal box
  3. Object Classification: Classify proposals as background / object
  4. Object Regression: Predict transform from proposal box to object box
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Two-stage Object Detector

First stage: Run once per image

Do we need the second stage?

Single-Stage Object Detection

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Two stage more accurate but slow
Single stage faster but not as accurate