
Problem: Sequence to Sequence (Translation)

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Input sequence bottlenecked through fixed-sized vector. What if T = 1000?


  • Use new context vector at each step of decoder
  • Use attention
    1. Compute (scalar) alignment scores
      • et,i=fatt(st1,hi) (fatt is an MLP)
    2. Normalize alignment scores to get attention weights
    3. Compute context vector as linear combination of hidden states
      • ct=iat,ihi
    4. Use context vector in decoder
      • st=gu(yt1,ht1,ct)

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Timestep = 2

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Use a different context vector in each timestep of decoder

  • Input sequence not bottlenecked through single vector
  • At each timestep of decoder, context vector “looks at” different parts of the input sequence

Image Captioning with RNNs and Attention


Input: Image
Output: Sequence y=y1,y2,,yt (caption)


  1. Extract spatial features form a pretrained CNN
  2. Compute alignment scores
  3. Normalize alignment scores to get attention weights
    1. Softmax
  4. Compute context vector as linear combination of hidden states
  5. Use context vector in decoder

Timestep = 1

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Timestep = 2

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Timestep = 4

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General Attention Layer


Query vector: q (Shape DQ)
Input vectors: X (Shape: Nx×Dx)
Similarity function: fatt


Alignment: ei=fatt(q,xi) (Shape: Nx)
Attention: a=softmax(e) (Shape: Nx)
Output: c=iaixi (Shape: Dx)


Context vector: c (Shape Dc)

Changes for generalization

Self-Attention Layer