Two-Phase Locking

DBMS Scheduler

  1. Receives requests to execute operations from the query processor
  2. For each operation it chooses one of the following actions
    1. Execute (send to a lower module)
    2. Delay (insert in some queue)
    3. Reject (abort transaction)
    4. Ignore (no effect)
Types of Schedulers

  1. Conservative schedulers: Favour delaying operations
  2. Aggressive schedulers: Favour rejecting operations


Conservative schedulers are lock based


Insufficient for a scheduler just to acquire a lock, access the data item, and release it immediately


Scheduler allows no lock to be acquired by a transaction T on some object after the first lock by T on some other object is released by T

Theorem: Any execution order of operations admitted by a scheduler following the two phase locking protocol will be a prefix of an ultimate schedule that is a conflict serializable schedule

2PL can still allow operations to process that lead to

  1. Cascading aborts
  2. Deadlocl

Strict Two-Phase Locking

Scheduler allows no lock for a transaction T to be released until T requests either a commit or abort operation
Theorem: Any execution order of operations admitted by a scheduler following the strict two phase locking protocol will be a prefix of an ultimate schedule that is a conflict serializable schedule and will also have the ACA property ensuring no cascading aborts

Variations on Locking

  • Multi-granularity locking
    • Not all locked objects have the same size
    • Advantageous in presence of bulk versus tiny updates
  • Predicate locking
    • Locks based on selection predicate rather than on a value
  • Tree locking
    • Can be used to avoid congestion in roots of Btrees
    • Allows relaxation of 2PL due to tree structure of data
  • Lock upgrade protocols


Inserts and Deletes

Isolation Levels