Multiset semantics of RA enables implementations of its operators
Implementation for an RA operator provides a cursor for OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE interface
- Implements the cursor interface to produce answers
- Uses the same interface to get answers from its children
Providing at least one physical implementation for this protocol for each operator enables evaluating RA queries
Example implementation of selection
// select_{#i=#j}(Child)
int i,j;
OPERATOR selection(OPERATOR c, int i0, int j0)
{ child = c; i = i0; j = j0; };
void open () {; };
tuple fetch() { tuple t = child.fetch();
if (t==NULL || t.attr(i) = t.attr(j))
return tu;
return this.fetch();
void close() { child.close(); }
// fully pipelined since it requires a constant space overhead
- Constant:
- First fetch returns the constant
- Next fetch fails
- Cross product:
- Simple nested loops algorithm
- Duplicate preserving projection:
- Eliminate unwanted Attributes from each tuple
- Multiset union:
- Simple concatenation
- Multiset difference (alternative semantics):
- Nested loops algorithm that checks for a tuple in the inner loop
- Relation name:
- Simple file scan of the primary index for the relation
- Duplication elimination:
- Remember tuples that have been returned
Plans are inefficient and efficiency can be improved
- Use concrete (disk based) data structures for efficient searching
- Choose a B Trees for the primary index
- Use better algorithms to implement the operators based on SORTING or HASHING
- Rewrite the RA expression to an equivalent expression enabling a more efficient implementation
- Remove unnecessary operations such as duplicate elimination
- Apply always good transformations
- Perform cost-based join order selection
- Introduce STORE operations using memory to factor computation of common subexpressions