
Multiset semantics of RA enables implementations of its operators

Implementation for an RA operator provides a cursor for OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE interface

  1. Implements the cursor interface to produce answers
  2. Uses the same interface to get answers from its children

Providing at least one physical implementation for this protocol for each operator enables evaluating RA queries

Example implementation of selection

// select_{#i=#j}(Child)
    OPERATOR child;
    int i,j;

    OPERATOR selection(OPERATOR c, int i0, int j0)
                { child = c; i = i0; j = j0; };
    void open () {; };
    tuple fetch() { tuple t = child.fetch();
                      if (t==NULL || t.attr(i) = t.attr(j))
                          return tu;
                      return this.fetch();
    void close() { child.close(); }
// fully pipelined since it requires a constant space overhead 
Plans are inefficient and efficiency can be improved

  • Use concrete (disk based) data structures for efficient searching
    • Choose a B Trees for the primary index
  • Use better algorithms to implement the operators based on SORTING or HASHING
  • Rewrite the RA expression to an equivalent expression enabling a more efficient implementation
    • Remove unnecessary operations such as duplicate elimination
    • Apply always good transformations
    • Perform cost-based join order selection
    • Introduce STORE operations using memory to factor computation of common subexpressions