Functional Dependencies

Let R be a k-ary relation R/(A1,,Ak) where l(i)=Ai,1ik and let X,Y be subsets of {A1,,Ak}
A functional dependency over the Attributes of R is XY, Y depends on X


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Employee SIN numbers functionally determine employee names

  • SIN → EName

Project numbers functionally determines project names and locations

  • PNum → PName, PLoc

Project locations and the number of hours functionally determine allowances

  • PLoc, Hours → Allowance
What functional dependencies should hold as a consequence of the primary key of EmpProj?

SIN, PNum → SIN, PNum, Hours, EName, PName, PLoc, Allowance

Logical Consequence


Assume R is a set of attributes, X a subset of R, and F a set of FDs over R

function ComputeX+(X, F)
    X+ := X;
    while true do
        if there exists (Y -> Z) ∈ F such that
            1. Y ⊆ X+
            2. Z ⊈ X+
        then X+ := X+ ∪ Z
        else exit;
    return X+;

Correctness Theorem: (XY)F+ if and only if YComputeX+(X,F)

Armstrong’s Axioms


Superkey theorem for functional dependencies:
X is a superkey of a relation with schema R if and only if RComputeX+(X,F)